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Barannyk, C. and Ishkov, V. and Molchanov, R. and Barannyk, S. (2023) Features of the structure of urate urolithiasis in inhabitants of an industrially developed region. In: Current issues of science, prospects and challenges: collection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA» with Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, May 5, 2023. European Scientific Platform.d region. 2023, Sydney, Australia: European Scientific Platform.d region. 2023, pp. 171-174. ISBN ISBN 978-1-68564-135-1
Barannyk, K. and Ishkov, V. and Molchanov, R. and Barannyk, S. (2023) Features of the structure of urinary stones in residents of industrially developed regions suffering from oxalate urolithiasis. In: Theoretical and practical aspects of modern scientific research: Collection of scientific papers «ΛΌГOΣ» with Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, Seoul, April 28, 2023. Seoul-Vinnytsia: Case Co., Ltd. & European Scient. ГО «Європейська наукова платформа» 21037, Україна, м. Вінниця, вул. Зодчих, 18, офіс 81, Видавець [PDF]: Case Co., Ltd. Republic of Korea, Seoul, 180 Jeongja-dong,Bundang-gu Seongnam-si,Gyeonggi-do, pp. 229-232. ISBN ISBN 978-617-8126-17-9 ISBN 978-89-5764-768-4 (PDF)
Barannyk, S. and Korpusenko, I. and Barannik, K. and Korpusenko, O. (2023) The motivation-goal component of surgical disciplines training in a higher medical educational institutionstitution. International scientific journal «Grail of Science» (25). pp. 312-321. ISSN ISSN: 2710-3056
Barannyk, S. and Shevtsov, V. and Shevtsova, O. and Yehorochkina, V. and Zemlyana, Т. (2023) Historical aspects of the development of surgical care for injuries. In: V International Scientific and Theoretical Conference «The current state of development of world science: characteristics and features», June 2, 2023. Lisbon, Portuguese Republic: European Scientific Platform. Section 18. Medical sciences and public health (2). European Scientific Platform, 2023, Lisbon, 2023, pp. 146-149. ISBN ISBN 979-8-88955-776-0
Barannyk, S. and Shevtsov, V.M. and Yehorochkina, V. and Shevtsova, A.I. (2023) One step to the truth. Ignatz Philip Semmelweis - forerunner of antiseptics (to the 205th birthday). International scientific journal «Grail of Science» | (27). pp. 520-526. ISSN ISSN: 2710-3056
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Корпусенко, І.В. and Гузенко, Б.В. and Нор, Н.М. (2023) Досвід впровадження симуляційного методу навчання на кафедрі хірургії Дніпровського державного медичного університету. Медична освіта (1). pp. 48-53. ISSN 2414-5998 (Online), 1681-2751(Print)
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