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Badiul, Pavlo O. and Sliesarenko, Sergii V. and Cherednychenko, Nataliia O. and Morgun, Olga V. (2021) Efficiency Assessment of Multidetector-Row Computed Tomographic Angiography Using Reconstruction With Locoregional Perforator Flaps. Plastic Surgery (Chirurgie Plastique). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2292-5503, 2292-5511 (Online)
Barannyk, S. and Molchanov, R. and Barannyk, C. (2021) Fondements méthodologiques de motivation pour le choix d'une spécialité médicale et éducation déontologique d'un futur spécialiste. The II International Science Conference on Science and practical Technologies, January 26 – 29, 2021. pp. 337-342.
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Sulima, O. and Sulyma, V. (2021) The joints manifestation of inflammatory bowel diseases. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 3. pp. 13-16. ISSN 2791-8033
Sulyma, V. and Bereznytskyy, Y. and Duka, R. and Malinovskyj, S. (2021) General Surgery and Surgery: Textbooks for Training Foreign Medical Students. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 3. pp. 29-32. ISSN 2791-8033
Sulyma, Volodymyr and Malinovskyj, Sergij (2021) Experience in Application of Mini-Invasive Methods in Proctology. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), Vol. 1. pp. 20-23. ISSN 2791-8033
Вакуленко, І.П. and Хацко, В.В. and Кузьменко, О.Є. and Войтюк, В.Н. and Фоминов, В.М. and Полулях-Чорновол, І.Ф. and Пархоменко, Г.В. (2021) Променева діагностика рідинних осередкових утворень печінки з виявленням їх сполучень із внутрішньопечінковими жовчними протоками. Харківська хірургічна школа = Kharkiv surgical school, № 1 (106). pp. 40-45. ISSN 2308-7005
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Слесаренко, С.В. and Бадюл, П.А. and Галич, С.П. and Фурманов, А.Ю. and Дабижа, А.Ю. and Нор, Н.Н. (2021) Современные аспекты обучения украинских врачей реконструктивной микрохирургии. Вопросы реконструктивной и пластической хирурги, 24 (1). pp. 29-38. ISSN 1814-1471
Слесаренко, С.В. and Бадюл, П.А. and Манковский, Б. and Руденко, О.И. (2021) Одноэтапная реконструкция костных дефектов малоберцовым перфорантным лоскутом. Вопросы реконструктивной и пластической хирургии = Issues of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery., Т. 24 (№ 2). pp. 28-40. ISSN 1814-1471 (Print)
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Barannik, C. and Barannik, T. and Terentyeva, G. (2021) Metaphylactie de la recidive de la nephrolythiase tenant compte de la restauration de la fonction reine. In: Science foundations of modern science and practice. Abstracts of X International Scientific and Practical Conference. International Science Group, Athens, Greece, pp. 270-273. ISBN 978-1-68564-519-9
Barannik, Konstantin and Barannik, Tatiana and Shevtsov, Vadim (2021) Magnetlaserbehandlung von patienten mit diabetes mellitus mit gefässerkrankungen der unteren gliedmassen. In: Perspectives of development of science and practice. Abstracts of XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. International Science Group, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 234-238. ISBN 978-1-68564-522-9
Barannik, S. and Fridberg, A. and Barannik, K. (2021) Problemfragen der nephroptose-behandlungstaktik. In: Theoretical and scientific bases of development of scientific thought. Abstracts of V International Scientific and Practical Conference, February 16 – 19, 2021. International Science Group, Rome, Italy, pp. 274-278. ISBN 978-1-63684-356-8
Barannik, Sergey and Agafonov, Nikolay and Barannik, Konstantin (2021) Rehabilitation der nierenfunktion bei patienten mit urelinkrankheit und metaphylaxe der wiederholenden nephrolitiasis. In: Applied and fundamental scientific research. Abstracts of XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference. International Science Group, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 109-115. ISBN 978-1-63848-678-7
Barannik, Sergiy and Barannik, Constantine (2021) Influence de l'infection des voies urogénitales sur l'état des fonctions copulatives et reproductives de l'homme. In: Science and practice, problems and innovations. Abstracts of VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. International Science Group, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 129-133. ISBN 978-1-63732-138-6
Barannyk, S. and Ekhalov, V. and Barannik, C. (2021) Perioperative Korrektur von Blutflussstörungen bei Patienten Mit Einseitigem Pathologischen Nierenhebel und Ihrer Rehabilitation im Post-Operator. In: The XII International Science Conference «Advances in Technology and Science», March 16 – 19, 2021. International Science Group, Berlin, Germany, pp. 110-115. ISBN 978-1-63732-133-1
Barannyk, Serhiy and Barannik, Konstantin and Chukhrienko, Alla (2021) Tratamiento quirúrgico de las enfermedades de la piel y de las fibras subcutáneas en condiciones ambulatorias y policlínicas. In: Topical issues, achievements and innovations of fundamental and applied sciences. Abstracts of X International Scientific and Practical Conference. International Science Group, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 149-154. ISBN 978-1-63732-148-5
Barannyk, Serhiy and Barannyk, Constantine and Shevtsov, Vadim (2021) Aspectos metodológicos y educativos de la formación del futuro cirujano especializado cualificado. In: Abstracts of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference (Lisbon, February 2 – 5, 2021). International Science Group. International Science Group, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 157-161. ISBN 978-1-63684-354-4
Duka, Ruslan and Malinovskyj, Sergij and Yaroshenko, Kateryna (2021) Tools for teaching practical skills in the context of distance education surgery. In: Proceedings of the II International Education Forum «Best Educational Practices: Ukraine, Europe, World», January 24, 2021. Association for Promotion of Education and Science Globalization SPACETIME, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp. 63-66.
Duka, Ruslan and Molchanov, Robert and Sulyma, Volodymyr (2021) Procedure for conducting a practical lesson in surgery with distance teaching. In: Proceedings of the II International Education Forum «Best Educational Practices: Ukraine, Europe, World», January 24, 2021. Association for Promotion of Education and Science Globalization SPACETIME, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp. 66-69.
Moltschanov, Robert and Barannik, Constantine and Бараннік, Андрій (2021) Probleme bei der behandlung von purulentseptischen komplikationen der akuten obstruktive pyelonephritis. In: About the problems of practice, science and ways to solvethem. Abstracts of XXIV International Scientific and Practical Conference. International Science Group, Milan, Italy, pp. 128-133. ISBN 978-1-63848-670-1
Sulyma, V. and Yaroshenko, K. and Verholaz, I. and Badyul, P. (2021) Modern Pre-operation Education of Surgeons: Principles Forming of Clinical Diagnosis. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences (April 22-25, 2021). ISTES Organization, New York, USA, pp. 62-66. ISBN 978-1-952092-18-3
Sulyma, Volodymyr and Bereznytskyj, Yakiv and Barannik, Kostiantyn and Polulyah-Chornovil, Iryna (2021) Textbooks «General Surgery» principles and «Surgery» for training foreign medical students. In: International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies (ISSRIS'21), 22-25 February 2021. Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University, TURKEY, p. 676. ISBN 978‐625‐44365‐8‐1
Sulyma, Volodymyr and Bereznytskyj, Yakiv and Duka, Ruslan and Yaroshenko, Kateryna and Malinovskyj, Sergij (2021) Administrative process for modern postgraduate training of residents-surgeons. In: 7th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress (December 18-19, 2021). BZT Academy Publishing House 2021, Turkey, Germany, p. 39. ISBN 978-605-71167-1-0
Sulyma, Volodymyr and Bidenko, Alla and Sulima, Olena (2021) A case of effective treatment of a patient with COVID-19 complicated by bilateral pneumonia with damage to more than 60% of the lung tissue against a background of severe cardiovascular pathology. In: International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies, 22-25 February 2021. Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University, Bandirma, Turkey, pp. 2010-2018. ISBN 978‐625‐44365‐7‐4
Sulyma, Volodymyr and Duka, Ruslan and Molchanov, Robert and Malinovskyj, Sergij (2021) Distance learning in medical education in quarantine COVID-19. In: International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies, 22-25 February 2021. Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University, Bandirma, Turkey, pp. 2025-2029. ISBN 978‐625‐44365‐7‐4
Sulyma, Volodymyr and Gaponov, Volodymyr and Astakhov, Glib (2021) Statistic elements for modern differential diagnostic for pathological processes of rectal tissues. In: I Int. Artuklu Congress on Economic, Administrative and Political Sciences (Novemder 20-21, 2021). Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin, Turkey, 2021, p. 253.
Sulyma, Volodymyr and Malinovskyj, Sergij (2021) Tribenoside with lidocaine in the treatment of patients with chronic hemorrhoids. In: 6th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress, October 30-31, 2021. Proceedings Book. ISCYA Publishing House 2021, Turkey, pp. 195-197. ISBN 978-605-74191-8-7
Sulyma, Volodymyr and Malinovskyj, Sergij and Yuschenko, Igor and Yudin, Dmytro and Nikitina, Olga and Kalyta, Oleg and Kulchytskyj, Dmytro and Gaponov, Andrij and Yarotskyj, Gennady (2021) Step-to-step in the modern treatment of patients with chronic hemorrhoids. In: 7th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress (December 18-19, 2021). BZT Academy Publishing House 2021, Turkey, Germany, p. 38. ISBN 978-605-71167-1-0
Березницький, Я.С. and Дука, Р.В. and Ярошенко, К.О. (2021) Впровадження інноваційних технологій в організацію післядипломної підготовки лікарів-інтернів. In: Актуальні питання вищої медичної (фармацевтичної) освіти: виклики сьогодення та перспективи їх вирішення : матеріали XVIIІ Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. в онлайн-режимі за допомогою системи microsoft teams (Тернопіль, 20–21 трав. 2021 р.). ТНМУ, «Укрмедкнига», 2021, Тернопіль, pp. 57-59.
Савенков, О.Ю. (2021) Оцінка клінічних, антропометричних та функціональних радикально оперованих з приводу ранніх форм раку молочної залози за допомогою ICG-технології. In: Science, innovations and education: problems and prospects. Proceedings of the 1st International scientific and practical conference. CPN Publishing Group, Tokyo, Japan. 2021, pp. 453-458. ISBN 978-4-9783419-3-8