Items where Author is "Kniazieva, O.V."

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Number of items: 6.


Kniazieva, O.V. and Potabashnii, V.A. and Fesenko, V.I. (2022) Remodeling of heart in patients with stable ischemic heart disease combined with chronic obsructive pulmonary disease as a basis for development of heart failure. Медичні перспективи = Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives), 27 (1). pp. 34-41. ISSN 2307-0404 (print), 2786-4804 (online)

Kniazieva, O.V. and Potabashniy, V.A. (2017) The features of asymptomatic left ventrcal dysfunction in patients with IHD combined with COPD. Актуальні питання внутрішньої медицини. Від клінічних досліджень до клінічної практики : тези наукових доповідей наук.-практ. конф., присвяч. пам’яті акад. НАМН України Г.В. Дзяка, 17–18 травня 2017 р., м. Дніпро. pp. 32-33.

Kuzmіna, G.P. and Kniazieva, O.V. (2016) The clinician about Multiple myeloma. Materiály XII mezinárodní vědecko - praktická konference « Aplikované vědecké novinky– 2016», Díl 3. pp. 45-64.

Kuzmіna, G.P. and Lazarenko, O.M. and Kniazieva, O.V. (2016) The current issues in the diagnosis and treatment of gout. Materials of the XII International scientific and practical сonference “Conduct of modern science- 2016”. Medicine. Biological sciences. Ecology. Veterinary, Vol.15. pp. 6-14.

Kuzmіna, G.P. and Kniazieva, O.V. (2016) The issue of iron deficiency. Materiály XII mezinárodní vědecko - praktická konference «Dny vědy – 2016». - Díl 16. Lékařství.Biologické vědy. pp. 6-11.

Kuzmіna, G.P. and Slaba, U.S. and Kniazieva, O.V. (2015) The stage at diagnosis can help doctors choose appropriate treatments and predict how someone with lymphoma will do in the long term. Materials of the XI International scientific and practical conference, «Prospects of world science», Volume 7. Medicine. Biological sciences, Vol. 7. pp. 45-53.

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