Дорофєєва, О.Є. (2016) Напруження адаптаційних механізмів у спортсменів високого класу та його корекція. Вісник проблем біології і медицини, Вип. 1 (1). pp. 332-336. ISSN 2077-4214
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Метою роботи було виділення ранніх критеріїв напруги адаптаційних механізмів у спортсменів і на цій основі розробка комплексу реабілітаційної терапії. Нами були обстежені 130 спортсменів, які займались циклічними видами спорту віком від 14 до 25 років. Обстеження включало клінічну, інструментальну (електрокардіографію в спокої та після фізичного навантаження на велоергометрі, ехокардіографію) та лабораторну частини (рівень АТФ еритроцитів, глюкози крові, лактатдегідрогенази, активність системи перекисного окислення ліпідів та антиоксидантного захисту, вміст електролітів плазми крові (К, Са, Са2+, Mg), вміст імуноглобулінів (А, М, G, Є), Т – і В-лімфоцитів). В роботі доведено необхідність врахування критеріїв напруження адаптаційних механізмів для своєчасного призначення реабілітаційних заходів у спортсменів, що дозволило поліпшити стан їх здоров’я, сприяло зниженню частоти захворюваності, тривалості захворювань і пропусків тренувальних днів. Introduction. Modern sport with its training and competition loads can not be compared with other types of extreme human activity. It is characterized by high, sometimes extremely high loads for an athlete, which lead to stress adaptation mechanisms, and sometimes to their breakdown. It is now widely used diagnostic methods of tension and breakdown of adaptive mechanisms at top athletes, based largely on ECG, erhometriyi, hemodynamichnyh changes. Knowledge of features energy, metabolic and immune changes, it is important not only for understanding the mechanisms of tension and disruption of adaptation, but also for the selection of optimal schemes of rehabilitation therapy to individual athletes. The aim was to identify early the criteria of tension adaptation mechanisms of sportsmen and to develop a complex of rehabilitation therapy on this basis. Materials and methods. We have examined 130 athletes who were engaged in cyclic kind of sports at the age of 14 to 25 years. The examination included clinical, instrumental (ECG at rest and after exercise, echocardiography) and laboratory parts (levels ATP of red blood cells, blood glucose, LDG, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection, electrolytes of blood plasma (K, Ca, Ca2+, Mg), levels of immunoglobulins (A, F, G, E), T – and B-lymphocytes). After researching indicators at rest, patients perform load (test PWC170) on the vertical bicycle. Result. Clinical examination of athletes manifestations tension adaptation mechanisms are expressed in worsening sports results (39,2% athletes), high infection index (more than three infectious diseases tendured a year) (16,2%). ECG changes at rest, indicating tension adaptation mechanisms were at 13,8% athletes, but after loading (test PWC170)) – 20,8%. Athletes with tension adaptation, according to EhoCG, the speed of left ventricular contraction decreased to 4,8 cm/sec, and coefficient speed of relaxation to traction increased above 1,90. The tension and wrench adaptation manifested by shifts in energy, metabolism and immunity, which may precede changes in the ECG and EhoCG. Athletes with tension adaptation mechanisms had significant decrease of ATP erythrocyte level (below 0,63 mkmol/mL) in combination with low phosphorus level (below 1,10 mmol/l), serum iron (below 16,14 mmol/l), LDH, imbalance of calcium and magnesium, LPO activated with increasing mainly MDA (above 16,14 mkmol/L) and the imbalance of activity of individual units of AOP. Modification of the immunological status of athletes with tension adaptation was characterized by a significant increase level of Iq E (53,5 ± 5,1 Mo/ml), level of SD-16+ is higher than 10,0%, with a decrease absolute number of T-helper cells (0,38 ± 0,04) and B-lymphocytes. The use the planned rehabilitation therapy has improved the health of athletes, especially at persons with tension adaptation mechanisms, contributed to a significant reduction in the frequency and duration of diseases. It is possible to improve the adaptation of athletes to training loads, especially sportsmen worsening results, positively influenced on the dynamics of sports results оn the competition. Conclusions 1. The paper shows the criteria tension adaptation mechanisms for the timely appointment of rehabilitation measures at high-class athletes. 2. A target pharmacological support has improved the health of athletes, contributed to reducing the disease incidence, duration of disease and skips training days, that ensured systematic, quality training athletes for the successful performance in competitions.
Item Type: | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | адаптація, напруження механізмів, спортсмени, критерії, корекція; адаптация, напряжение механизмов, спортсмены, критерии, коррекция; athletes, adaptation, tension adaptation mechanism, criteria, correction. |
Subjects: | Physical rehabilitation, Sports Medicine |
Divisions: | Departments > Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and valeologii |
Depositing User: | Елена Шрамко |
Date Deposited: | 11 May 2017 07:35 |
Last Modified: | 11 May 2017 07:35 |
URI: | http://repo.dma.dp.ua/id/eprint/1668 |
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