Фастовець, О.О. and Кривчук, О.А. (2019) Причини незадовільних результатів повного знімного зубного протезування у найближчий термін спостереження. Вісник проблем біології і медицини = Bulletin of problems biology and medicine, Вип. 1 (т. 2). pp. 379-384. ISSN 2077-4214 (Print), 2523-4110 (Online)
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В статі приводиться аналіз причин незадовільних результатів знімного протезування у найближчий термін спостереження за даними дослідження 114 хворих з повною відсутністю зубів. Встановлено, що у 100% випадків скарги хворих на неможливість користування протезами мали об’єктивне підґрунтя, при цьому у 28,9% з них обрано нераціональну тактику ортопедичного лікування та невиправдано розширені показання до традиційного повного знімного протезування. Ураження слизової оболонки діагностовано у 35,1% випадків. До незадовільних результатів протезування призводять нещільне прилягання базисів протезів до тканини протезного ложа (61,4%), скорочення меж протезів (9,6%), помилки у постановці зубів (9,6%), порушення технології пластмас (3,5%). В статье приводится анализ причин неудовлетворительных результатов съемного протезирования в ближайшие сроки наблюдения по данным исследования 114 больных с полным отсутствием зубов. Установлено, что в 100% случаев жалобы больных на невозможность пользования протезами имели объективное основание, при этом у 28,9% из них выбрана нерациональная тактика ортопедического лечения и неоправданно расширены показания к традиционному полному съемному протезированию. Повреждение слизистой оболочки диагностировано в 35,1% случаев. К неудовлетворительным результатам протезирования приводят неплотное прилегание базисов протезов к тканям протезного ложа (61,4%), укорочение границ протезов (9,6%), ошибки в постановке зубов (9,6%), нарушение технологии пластмасс (3,5%). Complete adentia is one of the most common dental diseases among the elderly. However, the effectiveness of this type of dental care remains insufficient. So the aim of this study was to study the reasons of the unsatisfactory results of complete removable dentures prosthesis in the nearest observation period. The object and methods of research. 114 patients with complete absence of teeth, middle and elderly (60-82 years), were examined. Patients were selected according complaints about the impossibility of using complete removable dentures with rigid bases in the nearest term of observation (1-6 months after their delivery). Patient examination included a collection of complaints and anamnesis and a clinical study. In addition, the condition of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed was studied using the technique of macrohistochemical staining. Also the stability of the complete removable dentures in the oral cavity was studied. An assessment of the conformity of the bases of complete removable prostheses to the tissues of the prosthetic bed was carried out using the «silicone test». Results and their discussion. 21.1% of patients had complicated anatomical and topographic conditions for fixation of dentures. In 2.6% of patients the constraints to the manufacture of traditional designs of complete removable dentures were the peculiarities of the mucous membrane. In 5.3% of cases, the use of complete removable dentures is defined as impossible because of the expressed vomiting reflex. Visual examination of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed allowed revealing signs of inflammation, the most probable cause of which was the traumatic effect of dentures, in 23.7% of patients. In 5.3% of cases, the toxic nature of stomatitis was defined. In 3.5% of patients, inflammation of the mucosa was caused by allergic reactions. Inflammation of the mucous membrane on the results of macrohistochemical staining was observed in 91.2% of examined patients, which confirms the negative influence of plastic bases of dentures. 50.9% of dentures had the third (unsatisfactory) level of stability. Violations of the clinical and technological process of manufacturing complete removable prosthetics have become the most common cause of unsuccessful prosthetic treatment in 84.2% cases. Conclusions. In 100% of patients complaining about the impossibility of using dentures had an objective basis. In 28.9% of patients the irrational tactics of prosthetic treatment and unjustified expanded indications for the traditional complete removable denture prosthesis was chosen. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed in patients with complete absence of teeth due to unsuccessful prosthetics on visual manifestations was diagnosed in 35.1% of cases, according to macrohistochemical staining – in 91.2%. Unsatisfactory prosthetic results lead to a weak adherence of the bases of dentures to the prosthetic bed tissue (61.4%), narrowing of the dentures measures (9.6%), errors in artificial dentition formation (9.6%), violations in plastic technology (3.5%). Prospects for further research. According to the data obtained from the study, the inability to use complete removable dentures in most cases is related to the defects of the bases, in particular their bad adherence to the prosthetic bed, as well as the provocation of inflammatory reactions in the mucous membrane. It indicates the need for further search for ways to improve the technological process in order to improve physically-mechanical characteristics and increase of biological indifference of plastics.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | DOI 10.29254/2077-4214-2019-1-2-149-379-384 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | повне знімне зубне протезування, ефективність; полное съемное зубное протезирование, эффективность; complete denture prosthesis, efficiency. |
Subjects: | Prosthodontics |
Divisions: | Departments > Department of Orthopedic Dentistry |
Depositing User: | Елена Шрамко |
Date Deposited: | 10 Mar 2020 15:25 |
Last Modified: | 24 May 2021 13:29 |
URI: | http://repo.dma.dp.ua/id/eprint/5110 |
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