Науменко, Л.Ю. and Лепський, В.В. and Борисова, І.С. and Березовський, В.М. (2017) Сучасні можливості дистанційних форм на післядипломному етапі освіти. Вісник проблем біології і медицини=Bulletin of problems biology and medicine, Вип. 2 (136). pp. 225-228. ISSN 2077-4214 (Print), 2523-4110 (Online)
suchasn-mojlivost-distants-ynih-form-na-p-slyadiplomnomu-etap-osv-ti.pdf Download (1MB) | Preview |
е. В країні, як і у всьому світі, виникає значний інтерес до можливостей удосконалення підходів та освітніх інноваційних заходів — дистанційної освіти, яка стає все більш затребуваною. Наказ МОЗ «Про внесення змін до Положення про порядок проведення атестації лікарів» скеровує лікарів усіх напрямків медицини до своєчасного та якісного підвищення свого професійного рівня, яке може стати доступнішим саме при використанні, в тому числі, дистанційної освіти. Мета роботи: продемонструвати можливості дистанційного навчання на досвіді кафедр медико-соціальної експертизи і реабілітації ФПО ДЗ «Дніпропетровської медичної академії МОЗ України» та кафедри загальної та медичної психології національного університету ім. Олеся Гончара. Педагогічний процес післядипломної освіти лікарів неможливий без залучення інноваційних технологій дистанційної освіти. Використання on-linе форм навчання дозволяє ефективно реагувати на нагальні потреби лікарів. Спілкування з людьми з інвалідністю накладає особливі вимоги на лікаря в питаннях дотримання правил етики і деонтології. Вдосконалення знань морально-етичних і деонтологічних основ спілкування з хворими та особливостей психологічного стану людей з інвалідністю будуть сприяти безконфліктній атмосфері процесів лікування та відновлення. Abstract. Carrying out Orders of the MOH of Ukraine № 1088 from 10.12.2010 «On the improvement of postgraduate education of doctors», SE «Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine» has for several years implemented in the educational process in postgraduate stage, various forms of distance education. The Law of Ukraine «About Higher Education» 2014 requires postgraduate level training of doctors training of competitive human capital for high-tech and innovative development, personal fulfillment, meeting the needs of society, the labour market and the state in qualified specialists. Implementation of these tasks is possible only under condition of use of traditional forms and approaches to education. In this regard, in our country, and as well as around the world, there is considerable interest in improving approaches and innovative educational activities — distance education, which is becoming more popular. The Order of Health Ministry «About Amendments to the Regulation on Certification of Physicians» will direct the doctors of all disciplines to timely and qualitative increase of their professional level, which can become more accessible exactly when you use, including distance education. Features of life, consciousness, perception, functioning under disability form for patients and people with disabilities are very vulnerable psyche that requires special tactics, the introduction of ethics and deontology norms in communication with them, treatment and medico-social examination. In this regard, medical experts, rehabilitators, practical psychologists and family doctors need of updating and improving knowledge on pick and skills to effectively use the most appropriate way to interact with each sick person with a disability and / or member of the ATO (AntiTerrorist operation). Currently, the nature of the relationship between medical staff and patients, nursing is becoming more and more the importance of the strong therapeutic and preventive factors. Principles, codes of ethics and deontology in the work of the physician should be the subject of constant attention. A high level of professional competence of doctors improve their knowledge of ethical and deontological basis of communication with patients and features of the psychological state of people with disabilities will help to ensure that the psychological result of communication with the doctor, the patient will be feeling emotional interest and competence and moral satisfaction. Objective: to demonstrate the possibility of introducing elements of distance learning on issues of ethics when dealing with sick people and people with disabilities on the experience of the Department of Medical-Social Examination and Rehabilitation of FPO SE «Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine» and the chair of the Department of General and Medical Psychology National University of Oles Gonchar. After the end of the workshop, a survey was conducted of physicians who were engaged to conduct teleconferences. This distance form is evaluated by doctors as the best — 98.5% of respondents, as it gives an opportunity to «... to respond to the numerous new regulations» — 67.7% of respondents; «... not bother» adult education and experienced specialists — 70.5% of respondents; «... does not distract from patients, work and family» — even 86.5% of respondents; «Allowed us to obtain new information on time» — 95% of respondents; «Allowed us to obtain the necessary information for free» — 95% of respondents. Conclusions. The educational process of postgraduate medical education aimed at training of competitive specialist, is impossible today without the involvement of innovative technologies for distance education, that brings the doctor to the speedy obtaining new professional information. So, at the postgraduate stage of education of a specialist distance learning should be part of the learning process. Introduced by the chair of the Department of Medical-Social Examination and Rehabilitation of SE «DMA of Ministry of Health of Ukraine» allowed to respond effectively to the urgent needs of doctors concerning psychological characteristics of communication with patients and with people with disabilities and participants of the ATO. Communication with patients, especially people with disabilities, and imposes special demands on the family doctor, specialists MSE, rehabilitation specialists, their training in matters of compliance with rules of ethics and deontology. The knowledge of the ethical and deontological communicate with patients and characteristics of psychological status of people with disabilities will contribute to сonflict-free atmosphere of the processes of treatment and recovery.
Item Type: | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | дистанційна освіта, етика, люди з інвалідністю, психологія; : дистанционное образование, люди с инвалидностью, этика, психология; distance education, people with disabilities, ethics, psychology. |
Subjects: | Medicine. Education Postgraduate education |
Divisions: | Faculty of Postgraduate Education > Department of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation FPE |
Depositing User: | Елена Шрамко |
Date Deposited: | 03 Jun 2020 14:44 |
Last Modified: | 03 Jun 2020 14:44 |
URI: | http://repo.dma.dp.ua/id/eprint/5430 |
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